To have a plethora of work experience is a plus, as it helps you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your passions and intellectual interests. Nevertheless, “a plethora of work experience” does not necessarily mean applying to the most odd ball jobs you can think of. Instead, try to focus your attention towards what you want to achieve, and plan around that.

If you know what you want to specialize in, whether that be in law, medicine, education, or a trade profession, hone your job search within that particular field. But if you are still exploring, and you aren’t too sure of your endeavors, don’t worry, everything will be alright.

What are you passionate about?

Apply to jobs that you are passionate about. There are jobs that make you get up every morning feeling excited, not fatigued; and optimistic, instead of feelings of resentment. Whatever these jobs are for you, they make you feel useful and a part of something. By understanding what drives you in life, what keeps you up at night, and/or what makes you giddy and excited, is one step toward achieving and discovering your interest.

Envision yourself at that job.

Whenever you apply for a job, ask yourself, “is this job right for me?” “Would I be the best employee at this company?” “Do my interests/ passions align?” This is not to doubt your success at the job, rather a self-realization before you apply and confirm the job. If you don’t feel positively about either of the former questions, it may be best to hold back on submitting your application and try to find another job where you can see yourself strive in that company, rather than resent that you applied.

Try Traitify

You may have asked yourself, “How do I know I’m interested in X career?” Though we may trick ourselves into saying that we are best suited for X career versus Y career, to get a second opinion is a must. Verified online tests are a great way to explore careers that may interest you as the tests often rate personal qualities, subjects and activities you may enjoy. Some tests are unreliable; however, a career test that has helped many young adults to find their intended career from their interests, is an assessment called Traitify. Traitify takes the answers from the specified questions they ask of you and assesses jobs suitable to your interests. If you’d like to try their assessment feel free to visit their website.

Finding your interests, which can help you determine your overall career pathway is difficult from the start. The difficulty comes from lack of work experience, job assistance, and plain job education. But with the right techniques and resources, you’ll be better positioned to understand such interests in no time.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns in regards to drafting a cover letter, feel free to email OWINN and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Story by Kyle Catarata – OWINN Special Projects Coordinator